
From Nechronica Wiki Translation Project


You have found strength in the things you have given up. But there are those you refuse to surrender. You could hardly lose any more of your body. But there are surely things you have not lost. Though you struggle in vain, covered in scars, you persevere.

Junk's Frame of Mind[edit]

You have correctly grapsed the nature of this world. Of this hopeless world.

Is giving up all that’s left?

But you chose to struggle on without giving up. Without losing hope in the face of everything trying to throw you into despair. Even if you lost it, you’d still act as though you hadn’t.

The despair your sisters will likely encounter is something you are already beyond. Even if you can’t overcome it, we shall say that you have. Your role is to not let your sisters give up. There’s no need to cleverly raise their spirits. It’s enough to show them that even so you have come to fight.


Damaged Goods
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: Self
During the Battle Phase, at the end of the Round and when Treasure is damaged, you do not add Madness Points.
You are half broken. Because it is broken, it will not break any more. Days of fighting? I wonder what was before that...
Dweller in Hades
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: Self
During the Battle Phase, if you are in Hades, you gain +1 to the die roll on Attack Checks.
Hades is right for you. Because enemies can understand you better than allies.
Even Unto Tartarus
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: Self
During the Battle Phase, if you are in 「Tartarus」, all your Action Maneuvers' Costs are decreased by 1 (minimum 1.)
My pain will not stop even if you all fall into madness. Let me be your strength!
Timing: Rapid Cost: 0 Range: Self
This Skill can only be used when one of your Sisters uses a Movement Maneuver.
Move 1.
Behavior that has been repeated many times. It's fixed in your brain by now. Instinct.
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: Self
When you voluntarily take a Madness Point in order to reroll a die, you gain +1 to the die roll.
I will never fail. Even this body has given up, but I absolutely will not give up until the end!

Dance of Distortion Skills[edit]

Defender of Eden - Dance of Distortion
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: See Effect
When you are in Eden or Elysium, all Maneuvers used by enemies which are in Eden have their Action Point cost increased by 1.
This Skill remains in effect even if you are completely Annihilated.
These defiled men cannot be allowed to trample this place. I will not let them.
Lame Beast - Dance of Distortion
Timing: Auto Cost: None Range: Self
For every Hit Location of yours in which all Parts have been damaged, you gain +1 to Attack Checks you make.
What is broken is nothing but a shackle. The harvest for replacements is now.